Committed to sustainable practices

As Part of this commitment, NSCC adopted a holistic approach to sustainability and the application of green principles that engages the entire college community. The college is dedicated to: 

  • reducing its carbon footprint;
  • incorporating environmental/sustainable curriculum, goals and objectives into its courses, programs and projects;
  • promoting sustainability throughout the college community and North Shore region. 

Health Professions Building

Sustainability today at NSCC

NSCC's Danvers Campus features the Commonwealth's first state-owned Zero Net Energy building and highlights NSCC's strong commitment to sustainability and conservation. The Health Professions and Student Services Building is a green building prototype that meets LEED Gold certification requirements, generates energy onsite, uses clean renewable resources such as sunlight and rainfall, and reclaims water through a rooftop garden. 


Number of wells in NSCC's Geothermal System


Solar arrays on NSCC campuses

Solar output


Kilowatts of energy produced every year by NSCC solar arrays

Green curriculum learning environment 

NSCC faculty who participate in the Green Curriculum Project incorporate discipline-related sustainability and environmental topics through a specially designed component, assignment, or learning activity. To date 38 faculty participants, representing more than 20 different academic departments, have participated.

Lynn Greenhouse

Image of campus

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