Apply to Graduate

All students must apply to graduate in order to be considered for graduation.

Before applying to graduate all Course Substitutions, credits earned by the Center for Alternative Studies (CAS), transfer credit, etc. must be on the prospective student's Academic Record.

Follow these steps:

  1. Log into Navigate

  2. Select Resources on the left side tab 

  3. Search “Apply to Graduate” and select

  4. Click the direct link in the resource 

  5. Follow prompts on this page

Once the application has been submitted, an official evaluation will be done by the Registrar's Office to confirm that all graduation requirements have been satisfied. It takes approximately four weeks for an application to be processed.

Graduation diplomas are issued three times a year, once per semester. However, the commencement ceremony is held only once per year in May.

For spring graduation, submit your application between January 27 and April 25.

For summer graduation, submit your application between May 27 and August 9.

For fall graduation, submit your application between September 9 and December 6.

For questions about the Application to Graduate please email
For information on commencement, please see our Commencement pages.


Degree Requirements

  1. Earned at least 60 hours of college-level credit with a cumulative college-level GPA of 2.0 or higher.

  2. Completed at least 25% of coursework at North Shore Community College.

  3. Met the particular detailed career course and grading requirements in the curriculum selected.

  4. Met all other specific requirements set by the College, including math and communications proficiencies.

Additional Associate Degrees
A graduate or prospective graduate of the College may apply for an additional associate degrees. Each applicant will be given equal consideration with applicants who have never attended the College. Each application will be treated on its individual merits. Normally, credit will be given for previously earned North Shore Community College credits, which are applicable to the requirements of the additional degree program. The students must meet all specific degree requirements of the program for which a second associate's degree will be granted. A minimum of fifteen (15) credit hours must be taken beyond the first degree.

Certificate Requirements

  1. Complete all course requirements with a GPA of 2.0 or higher with a cumulative college-level GPA of 2.0 or higher.

  2. Completed at least 25% of coursework at North Shore Community College.

  3. Met all other specific requirements set by the College, including math and communications proficiencies.

NOTE: Simultaneous awarding of Certificate and Degree policy
Certificates whose coursework is embedded in an associate degree program will not be awarded simultaneously in the same term as the degree is awarded. The certificate must be awarded prior to the degree.

Honors Requirements for Graduation

Commencement Honors are awarded to students who have completed degree or certificate requirements with a cumulative College-Level GPA of 3.30 or higher according to the following scale:

3.30 - 3.69 qualifies a student to graduate cum laude
3.70 - 3.89 qualifies a student to graduate magna cum laude
3.90 - 4.00 qualifies a student to graduate summa cum laude

In addition, those graduating with honors are required to have earned at least 50% of their required credits in residence at North Shore Community College.

2024 Commencement List

A list of graduates and potential graduates is provided below and includes Associate degrees and certificates. Please note that records marked as Confidential have been removed from this list. 

View the List

Please note: Students who apply to graduate after April 28, 2024 or who are marked as Confidential in our records will NOT have their names appear in the Commencement 2024 program. You may email using your NSCC email account to change your FERPA status.


Formal commencement (graduation) ceremonies are conducted once a year in late May or early June. Specific details are announced each spring.

Participation in Commencement Ceremonies

All August and December graduates are invited to participate in the Commencement ceremony that takes place in the spring semester immediately following their degree conferral. If a student chooses not to participate who graduated in August or December, they will not be eligible to participate in a future Commencement ceremony.

Potential graduates who maintained enrollment in their final Spring semester (here referred to as the Conferral Semester) are also eligible to participate in the Commencement ceremony. Potential graduates must be eligible to complete all requirements in the Conferral Semester to participate. Potential graduates who choose to withdraw from a course in the Conferral Semester will be removed from the potential graduate list and may not participate until their degree requirements are complete. Students enrolled in programs scheduled to complete program requirements in June are also eligible to participate.

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