Here are some tips to help you out with Remote Learning. Remember, if you are having trouble we are here to help you.
- Get into the habit of checking your North Shore email and BlackBoard account daily.
- Make a list of all your classes, your professors’ names and email addresses.
- Understand how your professor intends to deliver the course. Will they use Blackboard or another way to deliver course content? Read all emails from your professors and keep notes!
- Be organized! Create a separate folder for each course. Schedule time to do coursework on a regular basis, participate as requested, and stick to your schedule for the duration of the course.
- Stick with it. If you allow too many days to pass by without a login, you may find it difficult to catch up.
- Download your class syllabus from each course site to understand expectations and understand your instructor’s plan. It is likely your professor will post an updated or modified syllabus. Take time to read this.
- Make note of your due dates and confirm with your professor how your assignments are collected.
- Gather everything you will need to be productive. Think about what you need if your instructor uses real-time video conferencing:
- Does your computer have a built-in microphone and speaker?
- Do you have a headset for your phone? Do you have your class notes, textbook or other equipment, like power adapters, that you’ll need?
- If you’re having a hard time, we will help you. First, reach out to your instructor and share your challenge. You can also reach out to your advisor, or the Student Support Center.