Light the way forward for our students and our College
Your commitment to a planned (or deferred) gift to The North Shore Community College Foundation creates a lasting legacy for you and your loved ones. Your impact begins the very moment you commit because your foresight and generosity inspire our students and our college community to dream, learn, and achieve.
You may designate your planned gift for a specific purpose to benefit North Shore Community College and its students (such as scholarships/stipends, capital projects, academics, etc), or to be utilized for unrestricted purposes at the discretion of The North Shore Community College Foundation. There is no minimum gift to participate. Endowment opportunities are available.
The Lighthouse Society
When you affirm your commitment to a planned gift to The North Shore Community College Foundation, you are celebrated with membership to the Lighthouse Society, which offers special name recognition on both campuses and direct engagement opportunities with our mission. Donors have the option to remain anonymous.

Committing a planned gift is easy!
Simply name The North Shore Community College Foundation, Inc. a 501(c)3 public charity, as a beneficiary in your estate plan. Options include a will, trust, retirement plan, insurance policy, or customized deferred gift. For recognition as a member of the Lighthouse Society download, complete, and submit the Lighthouse Society Letter of Support.
Please submit the registration form after you have added The North Shore Community College Foundation as a beneficiary in your estate plan. This form also provides template language for consideration to specify a planned gift in your estate plan. Your commitment may be changed and is revocable, and it is not necessary to disclose the specifics of your intentions to complete the form.
Planned gift donors are highly encouraged to share their intentions in advance with a Development Officer of the College to ensure planned gift intentions can be realized as stated.
We're delighted to know our bequest will provide scholarships long after we are gone.
Kathie and Tom Gerecke
Lighthouse Society Members
Lighthouse Society Member Benefits
Name listing on commemorative Lighthouse Society display at the Danvers and Lynn campuses
Invitation to the annual Lighthouse Society celebration and other NSCC-designated special events
Commemorative Lighthouse Society member pin
Community of donors who share your dedication to higher education
Already included NSCC in your estate plan?
If you have already included NSCC in your estate plan, please let us know so that you can be celebrated as a Lighthouse Society member! Contact NSCC Foundation at | 978-739-5502.

Contact Us
For general questions or information regarding alternative gift processing options, including EFTs, Donor Advised Funds, and gifts of securities.
1 Ferncroft Road, Danvers, MA 01923
All charitable gifts to benefit North Shore Community College and its students are received and managed by The NSCC Foundation, Inc. a qualified 501(c)(3) organization that is fiscally separate from the College and organized under the laws of Massachusetts.