March 30
New York Times bestselling author Allegra Goodman will kick off North Shore Community College’s (NSCC) Arts in April, an annual free celebration of arts and culture, with a reading from her latest book, Sam, a coming-of-age story about a young woman living in Danvers and attending NSCC.
The reading will take place on Monday, April 3, at 11 a.m. at NSCC’s Lynn Campus gym, 300 Broad Street with the event live-streamed to the college’s Danvers Campus, 1 Ferncroft Road, DS119 (lecture hall).
In addition, the month-long series of events will feature guest speakers and artists and a range of arts and culture-based activities including: Magician Kam Diaz; a theatrical production, Fight Girl Battle World; Poetry reading by NSCC alumnus and bilingual author Dany Acosta; Paint Nite (in the afternoon); Floral Arrangement and Photography workshops and an Open Mic Night. Student, faculty and staff artwork will be displayed on both campuses as well as the Black Women of the Suffrage Movement traveling exhibit.
All events are free and open to the public and will be held at either the Danvers Campus,1 Ferncroft Road, the Lynn Campus, 300 Broad Street or at an off-campus location.
For a complete schedule of events, go to Please take note of the event date, time and location. For more information, contact Cari Keebaugh at