April 17

North Shore Community College will hold their May Supervisors’ Connection, Respect in the Workplace, Wednesday, May 15, 2019 from 8-10 a.m. at NSCC’s Corporate Training Solutions (CTS), 1 Ferncroft Road, DS106, Danvers. Cost is $49 per workshop.
In this workshop, we will touch on basic points of respect in the workplace and how to create a more comfortable and respectful environment. We must accept the differences in fellow employees to create equality in the workplace. If there is no standard of equality, there will be a lack of respect between coworkers and a higher chance of conflict or harassment occurring. In this workshop, we will give examples to show what is and is not acceptable in the workplace.
Workshop Takeaways
In this class, participants will learn:
- What is respect in the workplace?
- What is the definition of a hostile work environment?
- How to deal with coworkers or bosses that think differently than you or have different styles
- How respect in the workplace increases productivity
Facilitator: Deirdre Higgins brings over 20 years of experience as a Human Resources Executive, with knowledge including recruiting, training, performance management, career development, diversity program development, employee relations, benefits, compensation, payroll, safety, leadership development and compliance issues.
To register for this event, please download our registration form and then:
- Fax to: NSCC 978-236-1220 OR
- Mail payment and registration form to:
Susan Ryan, Corporate Training Solutions at North Shore Community College, 1 Ferncroft Rd., Danvers, MA 01923
NSCC’s Supervisors’ Connection is a give-and-take forum where supervisors and managers exchange information and ideas with colleagues from other industries.
For more information, call 978-236-1240