The ARRT pass rate is the number of graduates that have taken and passed the ARRT (American Registry of Radiologic Technologists Radiography credentialing examination) on the first attempt. The RT program meets the five year average credentialing examination pass rate goal by the JRCERT of not less than 75% at first attempt within six months of graduation.

Year Percent passing on first attempt

#of students who passed/# of students who
took the exam within 6 months of graduation

2016 100% 12/12
2017 88% 14/16
2018 77% 10/13
2019 100% 12/12
2020 90% 9/10
Five year pass rate 90% 57/63




Program completion rate is defined as the number of students who complete the program within 150% of the stated program length.  The program’s stated length is 21 months and 150% of the program’s stated length is 31.5 months from the start of the program in September. The RT program meets the program completion rate goal of not less than 75% within 31.5 months of first starting the program as a 5 year average. However, it did not meet that goal for the class of 2016.

Year Percent completion # of students completing/# of students starting
2016 71% 12/17
2017 94% 16/17
2018 76% 13/17
2019 82% 14/17
2020 81% 13/16
Five year completion rate 81% 68/84




The job placement rate is determined by the program sending out graduate surveys 12 months after graduation. The job placement rate is determined by the number of surveys returned by the graduates, The five year average job placement rate is not less than 75% within 12 months of graduation. Note that the number of surveys returned may not be the same as those who actively sought employment.

The JRCERT has defined “not actively seeking employment” as:
1) Graduate fails to communicate with program officials regarding employment status after multiple attempts OR
2) Graduate is unwilling to seek employment that requires relocation, OR
3) Graduate is unwilling to accept employment due to salary or hours, OR
4) Graduate is on active military duty, OR
5) Graduate is continuing education.

Year Job Placement Rate # of students returning the
surveys/# of surveys 
2016 100% 11/12
2017 100% 12/16
2018 100% 12/13
2019 100% 10/12
2020 100% 12/13
5 year average job
100% 57/66

For additional information regarding program effectiveness data visit the JRCERT website at


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