Our Clients Speak for Themselves

Lori Abrams Berry - Lynn Community Health Center

Upgraded workforce skills and opportunities

Company: Lynn Community Health Center (LCHC), Lynn, MA

Challenge: With over 500 employees, LCHC regularly utilizes training programs to maintain and upgrade the skills of its workforce.

Solution: In collaboration with the 1199SEIU Training Fund, LCHC worked with Corporate Training Solutions to provide a variety of high quality training programs from Cultural Competencies to Medical Interpreting to Medical Terminology.

Result: "Because of the exemplary training programs that Corporate Training Solutions has provided, new opportunities have opened up for members of the LCHC team with promotions and raises for many involved. The participants in the training programs have gained beneficial lifelong transferable skills. Thanks to the patience, foresight, and expertise of the Corporate Training Solutions' staff, we have achieved the rewards that training can provide an institution such as ours."
- Lori Abrams Berry, Executive Director